
21 March 2018

What is a transmitter?

Transmitters are a kind of signal converter, acting as intermediate devices that measure environmental variables detected by sensors and convert them into low-current electrical signals. These signals, typically in the range of 0-10 V or 4-20 mA, are used by control devices such as displays, PLCs, HMIs, and signal converters to regulate processes.

Transmitters play a pivotal role in maintaining accurate measurement and control within various industrial settings. By converting physical parameters into electrical signals, transmitters ensure that processes run smoothly and efficiently.

Transmitter Measurement Calculation

Consider a temperature transmitter using a PT100 or Thermocouple sensor to detect a temperature range from 0-100 °C. As the temperature changes, the transmitter converts these values into a standardized electrical signal.

Formula for Conversion:

Linear mA output = 4 + (16 x ((Read Value – Low Limit) / (High Limit – Low Limit)))

  • Low Limit: The minimum temperature the transmitter measures, typically 0°C, but can include negative or positive values.
  • High Limit: The maximum temperature the transmitter measures.

Example Calculation:

For a temperature of 50 °C with a range of 0-100 °C:

Linear mA output = 4 + (16 x ((50-0) / (100-0))) = 12 mA

When 12 mA is displayed on the controller, it indicates the sensor is measuring a temperature of 50 °C.

Benefits of Signal Conversion

One of the significant benefits of converting the signal into current is that the measured value can be transported over long distances without any loss through cables. In some processes, the process control panel (HMI, PLC, etc.) where dozens of measuring instruments are controlled with a sensor may be at a remote point of the field. That’s why transmitters have the advantage of converting and transmitting the measured value into current.

Types of Transmitters

Transmitters come in various types, each designed to measure different parameters:

  • Flow Transmitters: Measure the rate of fluid flow within pipes and channels.
  • Level Transmitters: Determine the level of liquid or solid materials in tanks or silos.
  • Pressure Transmitters: Gauge the pressure within systems to ensure safety and performance.
  • Temperature Transmitters: Measure temperature changes and ensure accurate thermal control.

Choosing the Right Transmitter

Selecting the appropriate transmitter depends on the specific requirements of your process. Key factors to consider include:

  • Accuracy: Ensure the transmitter meets the accuracy requirements of your application.
  • Range: The measurement range should cover the expected variations in the process parameter.
  • Compatibility: The transmitter should be compatible with existing systems and control devices.
  • Environment: Consider the environmental conditions, such as temperature and humidity, where the transmitter will operate.

Applications of Transmitters

Transmitters are used in a wide range of industries, including:

  • Manufacturing: Ensuring precise control over production processes.
  • Environmental Monitoring: Tracking environmental parameters to ensure compliance with regulations.
  • Oil and Gas: Monitoring pressure and flow to ensure safe and efficient operations.
  • Water Treatment: Measuring water levels, flow rates, and quality parameters to maintain treatment processes.

At RST Measurement and Control Devices, our Dimens brand is dedicated to providing state-of-the-art solutions tailored to meet the unique needs of our clients. Whether you’re in need of precision flow meters or robust pressure gauges, Dimens offers a comprehensive range of products that ensure optimal performance and reliability.

Why Choose Dimens?

  • Precision and Accuracy: Our devices are meticulously engineered to provide exact measurements, ensuring consistent and reliable data.
  • Innovative Technology: We are at the forefront of technological advancements, continuously improving our products to meet and exceed industry standards.
  • Exceptional Support: Our dedicated customer support team is always available to assist with any questions or technical needs.

By choosing Dimens, you benefit from our unwavering commitment to quality and innovation, backed by years of industry expertise. Contact us today to discover how our measurement and control devices can enhance your operations and drive success.

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